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Saturday, March 11, 2017

Fun Night Monday ? at 6:00PM - Night Shift

This early Ron Howard effort is somewhat forgotten in the aftermath of his big-budget hits that have come in the last decade. That is too bad, because this is probably Howard's best comedy and it is one of the funniest movies you will ever see.

The story centers on Chuck Lumley (played by Henry Winkler), a nebbish who works at the city morgue after leaving his high powered finance job due to stress. Chuck is a loser who cannot face up to any kind of bully, including his fiance. After being relegated to the night shift, Chuck is teamed with a morgue new-comer, Bill Blazejowski (Michael Keaton at his maniacal best). Bill, who likes to be called Billy Blaze, is "an idea man". When Chuck's prostitute next-door neighbor (Shelly Long) loses her pimp, Bill's new idea is to use the morgue to run a call-girl ring. Doesn't sound funny? Well, trust me, it is hilarious.

Keaton steals the show with his over-the-top performance. His high-energy comedy is the perfect contrast to Winkler's nerdy Chuck. Winkler, in a departure at the time from his Happy Days role as the Fonze, is also dryly funny. The supporting cast (most of whom made their mark on t.v., not movies) is also fantastic. The prostitutes, lead by Long, combine looks and humor. Richard Belzer (Homocide), Pat Corley (Murphy Brown), Gina Hecht (Mork and Mindy) and Derek Munoz (Freaks and Geeks) are among those who provide memorable moments in small roles. Clint Howard as usual has a role in his brother's film and is very funny as a loser who employees the services of Chuck and Bill.
And, as a previous reviewer noted, this movie is ripe with great, quotable movie lines.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Fun Night Monday October 16th at 6:00PM - The Man who knew too little

It's a blast to watch. This is not serious comedy, it's serious fun. As someone else has said, you have to set aside your critical thinking, your skepticism, and just enjoy the fun. There are so many really funny situations in the movie that it's really not fair to name them all, but suffice it to say that once the movie gets going they come one after another in quick succession so that you hardly have time to get a breather in between fits of laughing. Bill Murray's character is having fun throughout, really doing all the things he always dreamed of doing. The closest he ever came before this was renting out movies to other people for Blockbuster video. Now is his opportunity to do the stuff he has been watching in the movies and he's going to do it all, even getting the beautiful girl in the end.

Fun Night Monday Sepember 18th at 6:00PM - As Good As It Gets

A magnificent love story. I believe that love is the best of things. If you love and are loved, then you have hope that the world will become a better place. Nicholson is at his very best as a difficult, awkward introvert, plagued with OCD. His world opens up when he meets Carol, a gorgeous woman who is on the South side of a bad marriage. Her joy of life is marred by her ailing little boy who suffers from asthma. Throw in a neighbour who is a rising artist in need, Jack's personality and an adorable little bow-wow dog and you have a delightful mix that very much parallels reality.

It's funny how our lives can sink into ruts that don't seem to lead anywhere, and suddenly that special woman comes along and gives us purpose in life, and gives our lives meaning. This is one of those films that illustrates how awkward we can be despite our aspirations to love and. And, in the end it underlines the essential truth that if you are loved and you love, the world is a pretty special place.

Fun Night Monday June 12th at 6:00PM - The Money Pit

The night I closed on my first house I ordered a pizza and watched The Money Pit. At the time, it was just about the funniest thing I had ever seen. Two poor unsuspecting lovebirds get suckered into buying what they *think* is the house of their dreams, only to have everything under the sun go wrong. It was so over the top absurd that I laughed myself silly.

Fast-forward five years and I have a WHOLE new appreciation for this movie. I bought a "fixer-upper" with stars in my eyes, dreaming about all the DIY projects that were going to be *so* much fun. Hah. There's a scene in this movie that has become my all-time FAVORITE scene in ANY movie. Tom Hanks gets out of the cab and sighs, saying "Ah. Home Crap Home." Every single time something has gone wrong in my house (the roof, the water heater, the foundation, ants eating through the siding - you name it) I remember this movie and start laughing. Home Crap Home. I can completely, totally, 100% RELATE to this movie, which makes it even funnier (if that's even possible).

Anyone who is thinking of buying a house should watch this movie. Anyone who has ever bought a house should watch this movie. Yes, even if you've got a great house with no problems (do those even exist??) - you should watch this movie. And anyone who has ever dealt with a contractor should watch this movie

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Fun Night Monday May 8th at 6:00PM - What About Bob

This is one of the most fun summer movies of all time. I'm rewatching it now for probably the 20th time and it just never gets old. Richard Dreyfuss and Bill Murray are so perfect together that it's a wonder that it's their only picture together (or at least I think it is). You know the plot: Bill Murray plays an out-of-control multi-phobic nutso that latches on to his new shrink: Dreyfus. What Dreyfuss' character doesn't realize (at first, though he soon discovers it) is that "Bob" is the patient from hell. Much of the movie was filmed at Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire and the setting is just spectacular.

I find it hard to believe that there is anyone that hasn't yet seen this class comedy, but if you haven't, try it.