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Monday, May 30, 2016

Fun Night Thursday September 1st at 6:00PM - Mamma Mia

From what I know of the history of this play/movie the two ladies that worked so 
hard to get ABBA and others to put this together in GB are now two of the wealthiest 
women in England - and from what I have seen it drives the critics nuts, ("lousy, 
bad camera work, Brosnen can not carry a tune etc., etc.,) the bottom line folks, 
this movie fits like that old comfortable shirt your wife (the critic) wants you to 
throw away because it looks "awful". Well, the heck with em, I like my shirt, and I 
like meatloaf and mashed potatos, and I like Mama Mia, maybe it is mind candy, 
maybe it does not reach the high brow standard, but it "feels good" so the pundants 
can take their "expert" advise and put it where "the sun don't shine", this movie 
makes me smile and who knew Meryl Streep could sing like that - the "Winner 
Takes it All" maybe very poorly filmed according to the so called experts because 
the one I saw said "get me off the Merry-go-Round" but it sure sent chills down my 
back - let the experts rave - I know what I like, and this film made me laugh - in times 
like these I will take that any old time over what the high brows think I should see!

Fun Night Monday November 14th at 6:00PM - Batteries Not Included

This 1987 little sentimental ditty was utterly irresistible to the public, even as 
critics panned it as too schmaltzy. It concerns a squadron of little UFOs who 
arrive on the room of a NY apartment building, one which is about to be razed 
as soon as the owners can manage to evict the quirky bunch of tenants. The tenants 
include Hume Cronin and Jessica Tandy (always and forever a winning pair) as well 
as a guy who plays a mentally (or emotionally - or maybe both) disabled man who 
speaks only in set phrases from commercials or TV jingles or product tags, such 
as that of the title: Batteries Not Included. As the tenants band together to save 
the lives of the little aliens, including a spine-tingling scene in which one gives birth, 
the aliens come to the rescue of the folks in danger of eviction - and the tenants, 
previously a disparate bunch, come together to form a community.Heartwarming. 
Great family entertainment

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Hoe-Down/Concert Night at BWSC Featuring - Elvis Presley - July 2nd at 6:00PM

Dinner at 6:00PM

Hoe-Down $10.00

Saturday July 2nd 2016 at 6:00PM

Hoe Down Fare:

Desert and Beverages
Barbecued Chicken
Vanilla Ice Cream
Baked Beans
Ice Tea
Potato Salad

Elvis Presley Live from Memphis at 7:00pm

Dancing (Weather permitting). 

This 1997 show and the 2001 show in Memphis. They were great. This DVD captures the essence of the "Elvis the Concert" shows and does so with great sound and in great picture. Honestly, watching it is very close to being there in person. Elvis never sounded better. It's great seeing Elvis players together again and as brilliant as ever. This is a great release. Thank you EPE for putting it together and finally releasing it to the public. What strikes you is just how timeless Elvis and his music really is. No other singer could do a show like this and seem as fresh and modern as Elvis does. This DVD won't disappoint. Elvis lives!

Elvis Presley Aloha from Hawaii -Next 8:00PM 

This Deluxe Edition DVD features pretty much everything you could ask for in regards to Elvis Aloha from Hawaii. You get the staged footage of Elvis arriving in Hawaii and greeting fans. You get the complete rehearsal concert that was taped two days before the live broadcast. Elvis shows more energy here than in the broadcast concert, but he forgets more of the lyrics and sings two less songs. You get the complete Aloha from Hawaii Concert, which has been re-edited from scratch. The show was originally broadcast with quite a bit of "montage" footage, which means multiple images from the concert seen on the screen all at once in video blocks, but almost all of those effects were removed from this version. After the concert, Elvis recorded five songs on stage with no audience, which were inserted into the concert and played with montage footage of Hawaii. The complete footage of that recording session is here, complete with all takes of each song, with no footage of Hawaii. Finally, the original broadcast version of Elvis Aloha from Hawaii is included
What more can you ask for?


  • Closing vamp performed by the TCB Band and the Joe Guercio Orchestra
After the concert was over, Presley returned to the empty arena with the TCB Band to record five songs for the American airing of the show, including Gordon Lightfoot's "Early Morning Rain", and some songs from the movie Blue Hawaii: "Hawaiian Wedding Song" "No More" and "Ku-U-I-Po"